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Newsflash Breaking News Report Santa Claus rally S&P 500 Flash Crash 20-DEC-12 - As Seen By ...sceeto's Order Flow Algorithms http://www.sceeto.com . High Frequency Traders re positioning the market by almost 50 points on purpose or whoops !!! did someone push the wrong button ? From 8pm until 8.20 the market crashed over 46 points and 50 points from yesterdays close.
It was caught live by sceeto as it happened. Carl Weiss a high frequency trading expert who writes algorithms that track the hfts says that the markets have changed forever and this crazy type of thing will continue to happen. traders now need real time order flow indicators to monitor the hfts in real time and stop relying on lagging stoneage indicators. Any one using sceeto tonight would have seen the market break down live and have known not to be long thats for sure.
The gains from the recent days of the Sanat Claus rally were wiped very quickly it will be now interesting to see what the high frequency traders do next .
To monitor the hifts in real time yourself and be alerted when they are buying or selling please check out http://sceeto.com/user/register/ and protect yourself.
Any media enquires are welcome to Carl Weiss at http://sceeto.com who would be happy to answer any of your questions.
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