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Please pause the video for a better look at our signals. explanations of what the abbreviations mean is below.
High Frequency Trading (HFT) Events & Their Abbreviations:
Long Reversal in Equities HFT – [EQ-HFT-REV] - The footprints from High Frequency Trading (HFT) have quickly gone from an aggregated Short posture to an aggregated Long posture. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Short Reversal in Equities HFT – [EQ-HFT-REV] - The footprints from High Frequency Trading (HFT) have quickly gone from an aggregated Long posture to an aggregated Short posture. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Buy Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
HFT Buy Surge – [HFT-BS] - The level of High Frequency Trading (HFT) Buying has increased rapidly enough to potentially displace the current Supply & Demand equilibrium. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
HFT Sell Surge – [HFT-BS] - The level of High Frequency Trading (HFT) Selling has increased rapidly enough to potentially displace the current Supply & Demand equilibrium. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Market Depth Events & Their Abbreviations:
Tape Imbalance – [TI] - The price ladder of Bids within the CME\GLOBEX’s order book were cleared out in a rapid fashion by an imbalance of trades. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Tape Imbalance – [TI] - The price ladder of Offers within CME\GLOBEX’s order book were cleared out in a rapid fashion by an imbalance of trades. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Strong Tape Imbalance – [STI] – The pattern of transaction execution is consistent with the footprints of prior trends that have terminated in exhaustion due to the elimination of protective sell stops. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Buy Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Strong Tape Imbalance – [STI] – The pattern of transaction execution is consistent with the footprints of prior trends that have terminated in exhaustion due to the elimination of protective buy stops. If this event occurs within a few bars after a 'Sell Programs Waning' it will be colored blue.
Bids Replenished – [BR] - The Bids within CME\GLOBEX’s order book are being replenished at a strong enough rate to imply that the supply of Bids can likely absorb any additional selling momentum.
Offers Replenished – [OR] - The Offers within CME\GLOBEX’s order book are being replenished at a strong enough rate to imply that the supply of Offers can likely absorb any additional buying momentum.
Buyer vs. Seller Events & Their Abbreviations
Sell Programs Waning – [SPW] - Occurs when the Sell Program’s Order Flow Momentum and Price Micro-Momentum ("Price Micro-Momentum" …sceeto’s proprietary algos that track very small changes in price momentum) are initially congruent but evolve to a state where Order Flow Momentum is no longer keeping pace with Price Micro Momentum.
Buy Programs Waning - [BPW] – Occurs when the Buy Program’s Order Flow Momentum and Price Micro-Momentum (Price Micro-Momentum – …sceeto’s proprietary algos that track very small changes in price momentum) are initially congruent but evolve to a state where Order Flow Momentum is no longer keeping pace with Price Micro Momentum.
Sellers May Be Trapped – [SMBT] - A concentration of Sellers have recently entered the market and found themselves immediately fighting the tape. This particular population of Sellers is likely made up of emotional traders.
Buyers May Be Trapped – [BMBT] - A concentration of Buyers have recently entered the market and found themselves immediately fighting the tape. This particular population of Buyers is likely made up of emotional traders.
Momentum Tick Divergence - [MTD] - When price momentum diverges from ...sceeto's SuperTick. SuperTick is the same formulation as the NYSE TICK but looks solely at a basket of the S&P 500 stocks as opposed to just the NYSE listings. SuperTick is published from 6:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. EST
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